залезла случайно на страницу Ходданд Роуден (там она Холли Хейнс)) и залипла на её словах, посвящённых Колтону: выделяю наиболее понравившиеся моменты
Colton, I have written so many for you I dont even know where to start. I think I need to start of by telling you I love you so much, thank you for being the most amazing fiance in the whole world. 10.07.11 was the best day of my life. Wanna know why? Thats the day I fell in love with you. Ever since that day we have been together, yes we may have had difficulties but we always make up and that makes us much more in love and so much stronger. I know we dont see each other as much anymore but I still love you just as much, I miss being able to wake up to and fall asleep in your arms but every time we do see each other, we make every moment precious. When I say goodbye to you at the airport and you get on the plane I cry. I literally cry, but I know your going to a good place with amazing people. They are so lucky to have you, You are an amazing actor, You will go so far in life, You will get all the success need. I know I keep saying this every time but you have a great heart and wonderful personality. Its true, It really is. I have never met anyone like you before, but then I met the love of my life. You are one of a kind.

Это потрясающе! Сколько нежности в каждом слове, сколько признательности и искренности!

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